09 MARCH 2022 online
10:00 GMT
Emeritus Professor,
University of Aberdeen
“The cuckoo calls from the well of my mind,
more echo than thought, as it fades through the wind
and flickers away to the silence beyond
like the voice, in myself, of another.”
Burnside, J. Insomnia in Illinois, as cited in Collins, P. (Director). (2012). Silence [Film]. Harvest Films.
The symposium is organized with a goal to explore and reflect on landscape in relation to experiences of silence, quiet and stillness. The spatial frameworks of religious heritage and the intertwining of their practices and values are usually first associations to this subject. Such approaches often look into the acoustics of a particular place and space in order to better understand and make sense of the landscape. The theme of the event, however, seeks to go beyond the soundscape concept and embraces a phenomenological perspective, standing at the confluence of the topics such as environmental perception and imagination, intangibility and heritage(s), art and spirituality. With interdisciplinary framework, the aim is also to invite broader cross-sectoral discussion around ambiguities of dualistic approaches often surrounding discussion of landscape, such as mind - body, thought – experience, visible – invisible, human – nature.
The event is taking place virtually, in two thematic sessions featuring presentations of established scholars and young researchers from diverse professional and creative backgrounds.
Organised in the framework of Nevena Tatovic's PhD project
"Hearing Holy Landscapes: Heritage of Silence – Intangibility between Nature and Culture"
With a support of:
UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know – How: Linking Heritage,
CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Cultures and Societies,
CHAIA - Centre for Art History and Art Research of the University of Évora,
HERITAS - heritage studies doctoral network.
If you are interested in attending, please register to receive the details of our Zoom meeting.
E-certificates of attendance will be issued at the end of the event.
Nevena Tatovic
Nevena Ilic
prof. Filipe Themudo Barata
For further information and enquiries, please contact