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"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me."

Pascal, Blaise (2006, Pensées)


"To know what you're going to draw, you have to begin drawing."

Pablo Picasso


I am a landscape researcher and artist with curiosity about silence. A transformative personal and research journey led me to appreciate that, far from being a terrifying void or absence, silence might as well be a portal into the field of expansion and possibility. This is a condition of the ineffable, where it is by exposure and slowing down that growth happens, through fractures, in the seam of perpetual tuning in while reaching beyond.

There isn't a word for everything, and drawing, as more-than-seeing, is diving poetically towards that evanescing sense of a consonance, of a lull paradoxically unveiling the unremitting flux.


This website emerged within the methodological framework of my doctoral project to explore the potential of drawing as a mode of exploration in thinking landscape and heritage. At the moment, I am a PhD candidate in the heritage studies doctoral programme in Portugal. With a background in heritage studies and landscape architecture, my research derives from phenomenological perspectives to ponder the ever-shifting entanglements of people and landscape through silence, drawing, and attentive being-in-the-world.



"Between two musical notes there exists another note,

between two facts there exists another fact,

between two grains of sand, no matter how close together they are,

there exists an interval of space


in the interstices of primordial matter there is the mysterious, fiery line that is

the world's breathing, and the world's continual breathing is what we hear and call silence."


LispectorClarice (2010, The Passion According to G.H.)  

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